Health Services

The health and safety of our scholars is the school’s foremost responsibility. If your child has any specific health, safety, or security needs, please contact the school nurse so we can make appropriate accommodations.

Sick Room

Scholars may be referred to the sick room if they are too sick to remain in school or for other health-related concerns. We will notify parents/guardians so they can pick the scholar up from school. For the health and well-being of all, we will not allow scholars to ride the bus home if they present with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, or any other serious health concern.


If the scholar is prescribed a medication, please arrange to give that medication at home (before and/or after school) if at all possible. If the scholar must take medications at school, there are specific guidelines you must follow. Please refer to the Rocky Mount Prep Medication Policy. This policy requires a parent/guardian and healthcare provider's signature, along with the medication, dose, route, and time to be given. Only parents/guardians may bring medications to school and they must give them to the school nurse. Scholars may not bring medications on campus including over-the-counter, prescription, and emergency medications, nor do we allow them to self-administer during school hours.

We store all medications in a lockbox, and only staff has access to these locked boxes. A parent/guardian must pick up any remaining medication at the end of the school year. We will discard any medication left after the last day of school.

When to Stay Home from School

Flu, COVID-19, or cold? It is sometimes difficult to know when to keep a scholar home from school, when ill, and we know that missing school can be difficult for all. A scholar who is ill needs to be away from school for rest and proper recovery and to also prevent the spread of illness to other scholars and staff. Not sure if you need to stay home? Ask these questions:

  • Does the illness prevent them from comfortably taking part in activities?
  • Does the child need more care than the staff can give without affecting the health and safety of others?
  • Could other scholars/staff get sick from your child’s condition? Is the illness contagious?
  • Do they have a fever over 99.5 degrees?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then your child should stay home.

The following guidelines are available to assist in this decision:

Fever: Again, please do not send scholars to school with a temperature over 99.5 degrees. Scholars need to be fever-free for 24 hours without medication, vomiting, and diarrhea before returning to school. Also, the scholar should wear a mask upon returning. A visit to the healthcare provider may also be needed for medical evaluation and treatment.

Antibiotics: If the scholar has been prescribed antibiotics for an infection, that scholar may return to school after 24 hours (or as directed by a doctor) after receiving the first dose of the antibiotic.

COVID-19: After a positive COVID-19 test administered by a healthcare provider, please keep the scholar isolated at home for five days. After which, they may return to school with a mask on for the next five days.

If the scholar is prescribed a medication: Please arrange to give that medication at home (before and/or after school) if at all possible. If the school nurse must give medications to scholars at school, there are specific guidelines to follow. Please refer to the Rocky Mount Prep Medication Policy. This policy requires a parent/guardian and healthcare provider's signature, along with the medication, dose, route, and time to be given. Only parents/guardians may bring medications to school and they must give them to the school nurse. Scholars may not bring medications on campus, nor do we allow them to self administer during school hours.

If the scholar's healthcare provider gives instructions that are different from any of this information, please inform Nurse Stevens or Nurse Lahbabi via email or phone call at (252) 382-9377.

For questions about specific illnesses such as pink eye, ringworm, skin rashes, head lice, etc., please contact the school nurse for further direction about school attendance.